Kevin Orlando has had quite a long journey to get to his business success that he has today. Starting out in his hometown of Brooklyn, New York, he began his long road at the age of 13 with bodybuilding as a way to create a kind of discipline that would help him later in life.
However, life got in the way of Kevin’s path. Though he was taught incredible things through the world of bodybuilding, he had to deal with many tough realities that got in the way of what he had learned.
Making barely enough money to get by, Kevin realized he needed to change something. Going back to his roots in bodybuilding, he found the discipline and hardworking attitude that he needed to begin his first big pitch and business venture.
Fast forward to now, and Kevin is on top of his game. He is a leader in the real estate investment industry and is helping provide real estate investors with the help they need.
Even with all of this success, Kevin is not slowing down. His next major steps are to create fintech platforms to bring new technology into the business world to assist his real estate investors.
To find out more about Kevin, you can follow him on instagram here and check out his website here.